Des paysages ruraux ou urbains, des compositions savantes, des portraits ou des clichés de mode, il a abordé tous les genres.
Comment faire d'un paysage banal un tableau abstrait...
Les clichés suivants ne sont pas sans rappeler les peintures de Chirico :
Paysages aquatiques et oniriques...
Abstraction totale,
Surréalisme...Enfin, cette reconstitution d'une gravure ancienne :
I'm not a fan of general landscape photography such as the works of adams or Muench but I think that franco fontana creates images which are closest to our day dreams of twilight zones or our personal feelings of a peaceful heaven on earth. He is my favorite fine art photographer. It's easy to shoot tragedy because it's there in front of us, but i think it's much harder to create dream-like delicate compositions because it require to isolate delicate depths, shadows and colors. Bravo Fontana!